Applied4Sight has developed various risk models and risk registers that help organizations see and respond to the hazards and threats that can impact their organizations. Unmanaged risks can lead to costly infrastructure repairs, lost revenue, and ultimately to incidents that may increase regulatory scrutiny and loss of life.
Risk Management is a growing area of focus for many organizations and regulators alike. It requires risk-based decision making at all levels of an organization and forms the foundation for an effective management system. Effective risk management can help organizations increase the likelihood of achieving objectives, improve the identification of opportunities and threats, and effectively allocate and use resources for risk treatment.
Applied4Sight’s approach to risk management considers more than direct financial costs. It quantifies risk consequences related to safety, environment, regulatory, public perception, and other less tangible factors that jeopardize your company’s goals. This approach ensures that all key risk areas are considered, and both short and long term risks are assessed.